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Tesla Machines Time & Unfoldment inย  Project Sanctuary

by Silvia Hartmann

Tesla Machines Time & Unfoldment inย  Project Sanctuary How to use use Project Sanctuary to create Tesla machines with your mind

Silvia Hartmann's Project Sanctuary

Brain Machine by Silvia Hartmann - Illustration for Project Sanctuary Tesla Machine Article

Tesla Machines In Project Sanctuary

Time & Unfoldment

I'm sure you all heard about Mr Nicola Tesla and his amazing machines, that he built and ran in his mind in quantum time, then went back to check and measure which parts had worn out and when he came to build them for "real" they functioned beautifully, the problems having long been found and ironed out in the mindspace trial runs.

I've heard it too and just put it aside, as something Mr Tesla could do, being a genius, but not available to me as an ordinary human being.

But actually that's not so.

This is actually something everyone can do, and it isn't even that hard.

What it needs is some attention and intention, and a *starting place* to practise the basics before we go on to such finely calibrated precision items as mechanical turbines made from tooled brass.

In the context of Project Sanctuary, what I'm thinking is as follows.

1. You need to create a kind of space-time platform where the events to unfold will take place. A specific location of some kind that you can find again later on and easily so. For beginners, that is best done by locking down the aspects of such a space with a landscape, a time of day and a time of year (it's a long story, you'll just have to trust me on that bit).

2. Now in this space, I would put something simple, like a box or any object that won't change and visit this repeatedly to make sure the platform is stable, you can find it again and you're getting a feel of how time is moving there - whether it changes at all in between visits, for example. Most people manage a perfect encapsulation of the original space and there's no movement of time in the space at all - it is always afternoon, around 3pm, in late spring and regardless of whether the last visit was three months ago, 5 weeks ago, 10 days ago, one hour ago, time never changes.

3. Here comes the interesting bit, which is to introduce a reasonably straightforward object that naturally has phases which indicate its passing through time if you will. Let's say a candle that burns down, or a water clock, a ripe banana or even a machine that clearly *shows in it's states* how time is progressing. Don't make it too complicated or else you'll lose the whole point of the exercise, namely which is to practise in readiness for No. 4 - we are introducing the component of time passing in that space.

4. Now the next thing that's needed is to *control* how time moves in the space. Forward, backward, fast and slow. This is simply a practise matter which gets much, much easier over time and in the case of working with Tessla constructs is of the essence.

5. I would then highly suggest to practise with an uncontrollable system, such as planting some seeds, or introducing some creatures which will interact, to bring the systems on line that are basically plotting the evolution of *unpredictable* system groups over time and to begin using wider time movements - moving things on by a year, 100 years, 1 million years and back again.

Organic systems are *much, much more* complex than mechanical systems and once this evolution and observation ability is on line (which is actually quite easy, amazingly enough, it just happens!) you should be ready for your own first simple Tessla machine.

As I said, start with something simple. And don't confine yourself to machines. You can make absolutely anything in that space. Musical notes appearing on a sheet of paper, trainings being conducted, received, criticised, refined, and honed until there's a standing ovation every single time; structures of databases, management systems, computer programmes; building houses and living in them; living entire lives in many different incarnations - all of these things are essentially, Tessla machines.

It's a pretty incredible thing, worth getting familiar with.

Best of luck,


Silvia Hartmann 2004

  by Silvia Hartmann
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"Project Sanctuary is a map of your own inner manifesting realm; a guide for your unique garden, buildings, architecture; and a language and travel guide all rolled into one." Jashmuna Sabine Nebel, MindPowerJewels

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