The Poet

The poet stood by the side of the road in the rain. Of course. It had to be raining. But let us move on. The grass grew around his scuffed shoes, holes in the soles, a hole in my soul, ooh, that could be kinda mournful, kinda romantic ... Crows nested on his coat hanger shoulders. "Mummy, mummy! I'm scared!!" "Don't worry honey," said the harried mother hurriedly, took the child by the hand and crossed the road to the other side.
"It's just a poet, best not look at him, they're disturbing, but generally, they don't bite you or accost you, if you don't look. That's the trick. If you look at them, they may just pounce on you, waving bedraggled sheets of scribble, and they dribble and foam and froth at the mouth, it's a thing with them, something to do with emotions." "I don't like it, mummy ..." Soon, both mother and child are tiny figures, receding romantically on the rugged country lane and all that's left is the poet.
Of course. And again.
© Silvia Hartmann 06