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Metaphor Story Teaching Story Paper Ball by Silvia Hartmann

by Silvia Hartmann

Metaphor Story Teaching Story Paper Ball by Silvia Hartmann

NLP style metaphor teaching story about getting things done for real by Silvia Hartmann

Metaphor Teaching Story

Paper Ball

The Paper Ball

by Silvia Hartmann

There is the what I call "paper ball principle" which is a form of behaviour many people who like to collect information for information's sake are very fond of.

I noted this at a corporate weekend which was designed to find the three managers out of 50 who would not be dismissed and not only retain their jobs, but have a triple wage increase for their added responsibilities, following a hostile takeover.

The first task set was to acquire various items and bring them back by a specific time. One man was told to get a ball. But instead of getting in his car and finding a toy or sports shop miles away from the rural location where the course was held, he raised an eyebrow, cut out a picture of a ball from a magazine and sat drinking in the bar for the rest of the afternoon instead.

When he presented the paper ball to the team leader, the woman gazed at him for a few moments and then told him to pack his bags and leave.


Β© Silvia Hartmann 2001

  by Silvia Hartmann
"So much to explore, so much to create, so much infinite time to do it all in Project Sanctuary."Β Barbara Saph

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