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Give A Man A Fish ...

by Silvia Hartmann

Give A Man A Fish ...

You know the old story of "Give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day ..." ?

Here's the 21st Century update.

You can give a man a fish,

he can feed himself for a day.


You know that one.


Give the man a rod,

and he can feed himself until the rod breaks.


Give the man a blueprint on how to make a rod,

he can feed himself until he's sick to death of eating fish.


Give a man



and he can invent for himself endless tools

to hunt and gather, to learn to cook,

through direct experimentation too,

and then we are in abundance, joy,

and not just barely surviving,

but finally,



Silvia Hartmann

ย Give a man a fish and he can feed himself for a day. Give a man a rod and he can catch fish until the rod breaks ...


  by Silvia Hartmann
"So much to explore, so much to create, so much infinite time to do it all in Project Sanctuary."ย Barbara Saph

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