Inner Child Poem: To Find The Child
by Silvia Hartmann
An inner child healing poem "To Find The Child" which can be the start of a meditation or a personal meditation on your own journey to find a child of your own ...
Inner Child Poem
To Find The Child
A Poem About Healing The Inner Child by Silvia Hartmann, 1994
To Find The Child
To walk down the steps into the cellar of despair into the blackest gloom where monstrous shapes lurk and somewhere there is a whimpering child. To take a deep breath to steady my pounding heart to force my head high and softly I call and my voice rises clearly above the scrabblings and the howlings of doom. To find the child in the last corner wedged tight curled tight with eyes of searing pain I reach out and my hand is open and receiving and there's the lifeline for him to take. But the child's too scared to move too far gone in his terror it's not that he won't trust me more that he cannot move for fear that I might disappear that I might prove to be another disillusion. I look into his raving, tired eyes and stand quite still and all I am is strength of love - why else would I have dared to journey here? Come to me. And slowly, so slowly a trembling little hand, pearl white in nightmare dark rises to meet mine.
Silvia Hartmann 1994