Energy Hypnosis Script
& Exercise In Internal Representations:
Our Dimensions
or: Proof That Certain Words Con Contain A Great Many Pictures
Here is a fascinating thing - you've heard, I take it, the general "truism" that "A picture says more than a thousand words"?
Well, here are a thousand words that say more than - just how many pictures?
The following energy hypnosis metaphor hypnosis script is called "Our Dimensions" and can be found on HypnoDreams Vol. 3 - Freedom.
As an interesting exercise, go through this hypnotic induction and as you read it out, make a note of the PICTURES that arise.
You don't have to see them all, for there are many in this one energy hypnosis induction script; and of course, these pictures are often in flow as they morph from one into the other and the action takes place, movie style - we swoop and dive and see a great many things, and all these are just triggered by the WORDS.
But see what you can see; and think of it in terms of finding "pictures" that you could hang on the wall, scenes that could be painted, filmed or photographed.
Here is:
Our Dimension
So what can we say this morning, that can't be said before, that has not been said before, that wants to sing and dance like magic should, for dancing is its very nature -
That is why you cannot win if you confine it into symbols heavy with metal, heavy with age. Light on your feet must you be, lightly responding, light is the guide, responding to sound with such alacrity, With superb sensitivity ...
That's how it is done, my friend! This evil gravity and dominance, the hierarchies and all that jazz, oh dear oh dear! Forget it all, and let the weight of ages, simply slide away from your rounded shoulders, rounded back, from your rounded minds all weary they are, all heavy and close to exploding with anger at the wrongness of it all! Sing and dance! Twist like dolphins do, and spin, for the joy of it and nothing more, and watch the zebra being taken by a lion, and that's a dance as well with partners two, we watch the dance of life, and not until we can appreciate its beauty everywhere, in bone and maggot, in the newborn souls and clouds alike is that our dance begins in earnest, and in earnest means in joy and full of light deliverance. Whenever I stand at the edge of time and space, and look at the beautiful waves that lay beyond, I wonder. I wonder why the flying is just such a challenge, such a most enormous undertaking and more than all combined, I know that this is such a purely human judgement and I wonder why I still believe in such incompetence. But you must laugh. Blue is eternity, and more than that, of course. It beckons us all at every step, at every moment and the distant wide horizons are imbued with such beautiful and incandescent graduations that to simply turn and fall with grace and without gravity would be a deeply held release at last - here lies exactly what I wanted all along, to know the depth and breadth of my endeavour, and if I wanted to explore the meanings of the colours and of ultraviolet, it would come to me quite naturally, of course - what else could it be? Forward and to the left is a dance step. It's the first step on the journey from which there can be no return and oh did I once yearn to have it be this way! That I might see this way, this way of beauty and of true endeavour, leading me nowhere at all but in the act of falling to myself I find a resolution, I find my wide awakening and ceremony of cleansing fast now, all the stuck on madness is resolving, blasted high and wide for how could such a thing be here? Like purest winds of blue and cold but gold and vibrant all the same, the rushing takes the debris far away from me and lets it scatter, shatter - the purer I become, the purer do the notes and sounds become in turn as I am nothing but an instrument, the instrument of voice through which the oldest story must be told and it is true that I am old, but old is black and young is white and light is not what you might think; to feel it like you feel the sun is never that, for suns are young and know the difference not of light and heat and fire bright and this is right for they do light the night and set our worlds alight with fire and with life as is their task and resolution. Cheer them wildly, cheer them mildly, cheer the children of the universe in their first becoming and their youthful innocence! And in the interim it is achieved ' perfection and affectionate involvement lies aside and so the song is ever purer, ever clearer ' loud enough that we may hear. Remember the sea, remember the earth remember the sky and remember the soaring - all things are as once I knew them in every way, so intimately! And then there is that thing I said to you that night, that I will take you, make you my prisoner, and I will make you beg to stop the joy and the delight, I will turn your body into the most finely tuned instrument, so that you scream and writhe for simply having now perceived a touch of feather wind across your brow and you cry, your tears are rivers seeking elder deserts where the skeletons of giant fish proclaim this was an ocean once and needs to be again to raise the seeds asleep beneath the dust and sand to life once more, deep underwater flowers, gardens, creatures like you well remember but you never knew and kingdoms, singing kingdoms life abounds and fills the void ' oh my saviour, and yes you are, so cry for your life, for mine and theirs and all of old and new together, feel and cry and laugh for as the sounds rise from your throat and spiral from your perfect mouth, your shell smooth lips are shaping spheres and folding fountains bright, the angels come for they are borne this way, and swoop and flutter into our dimensions.
Β© Silvia Hartmann, 2004