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You Are Your Own Master

by Debora Ready

You Are Your Own Master

On July 3, 2007, a very unusual project began - 23 brave and highly intelligent professionals from around the World got together to help to create the new and revolutionary Project Sanctuary Facilitator's distance learning course in direct feedback with Silvia Hartmann, the Creator of Project Sanctuary.

Nearly 3 month, hundreds of emails and a a thousand assignments later, the very first student finished the final certification test successfully to be come the first Project Sanctuary Master: Debora Ready from Maryland, USA.

Find out what she thought about Project Sanctuary DL, and what her experiences were with this brand new course.


You Are Your Own Master

Debora Ready from Maryland, USA, the very first person to ever be certified as a Project Sanctuary Master by Silvia Hartmann, the Creator of Project Sanctuary, reveals her experiences with the revolutionary - and highly challenging! - Project Sanctuary Masters DL course.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background, and why you chose to enrol in the PS23 project.

Debora Ready, Project Sanctuary Master, Maryland, USA 2007Debbie: I am a fifty something, let me do the math - fifty-three year old female. Married with one grown son.

I have believed in ghosts, angels, reincarnation, ESP, etc for as long as I can remember. It made my family crazy! I once convinced my father to build a UFO detector for me when I was twelve.

I put most of my interests aside when I married and started my family. When my son entered school I went to college and earned my degree in science and became an RN. I worked on a gyn/onco floor where I soon found myself falling outside the bounds of medicine when it came to dealing with patients.

Modern medicine has its place but using healing energies and calling on healers, angels, and God seemed to help a great deal.

Many patients needed more than chemicals, they needed to heal their souls.

I saw people who outlived the deadlines given to them by will power and prayer. Walking into a room I could feel their energy and know what kind of night they were going to have. I can honestly say that no patient ever died alone once I realized and gave credence to the energy I felt coming from them.

I left nursing for personal reasons and began my research on healing energy.

I found Dr Hartmann's site quite a while ago and was fascinated with what I read. I didn't understand everything but it rang true for me. I had already taken a couple of her on line classes and hoped to come to England to take a course with her. I had told my husband that the first time he planned to visit family there and Dr Hartmann had a class at the same time I was going. You cannot imagine my disappointment when I read that she was retiring from teaching.

The next thing I knew she was offering to teach one final course, Project Sanctuary 23! There was no way I was going to miss this opportunity. I had read PS a couple of times and was fascinated by it. I knew I wasn't getting everything out of it I could, very rigid mind due to family and education. The chance to be taught by the person who wrote this book sent me into chills. I charged the class to my credit card - something I rarely do but I didn't want to miss out. I danced like a crazy woman when I found out I was one of the 23!

How was this course for you? Did it come up to your expectations?

Debbie: This course was probably one of the hardest courses I have ever taken. It required more honesty and truth from me than anything I had ever attempted before. You've heard the old movie hype, "You'll laugh, you'll cry,"? That was me. It was a roller coaster ride all the way. I am as proud of my certification as I am of my college degree. I would tell people that if you are only interested in getting some initials behind your name don't try this class.

It exceeded all my expectations. I have taken other classes on line from Dr. Hartmann so I was expecting a lot. I knew I would learn some new techniques but I had no idea that I would create a new me.

I am no longer nervous about telling people that I am an energy worker. I am in the driver's seat as far as how I use my gifts. They used to rule me and I never felt like I had control. Sometimes I was intuitive and sometimes I wasn't. Now, I decide what I am going to do.

I am no longer drained or stressed when helping someone. I know the information I am giving them is true and from my spirit not my ego. I no longer have any baggage from life experiences. My issues, once faced in Sanctuary, were resolved in minutes. These were major crippling issues, things that you would never wish on anyone. I will never regret taking this course. It will always be what I recommend to anyone that wishes to push their limits and become all that they hope they can be.

This course truly changes how you feel and think. The tools that you learn to use are beyond what most of us even dream of. When I finished this course I knew, deep inside myself, that I had everything I needed to do the work I am called to do.

Dr. Hartmann's Project Sanctuary class could be called a finishing school for intuitives. You will need nothing else after this. You are complete. You have the power to call for whatever help or aid that you need. This includes DNA activation, dream interpretation, healing, past life regression and anything else you have ever thought of or paid for.

You are your own master.


So how was it when you found out you were the first ever person to finish the course, and what do you plan to do next?

Debbie: How was it? It still is, LOL! I have been grinning like a Cheshire cat since I received the letter saying I passed. I think I Snoopy danced for the first 24 hours. It is a wonderful feeling. Being the first person to complete this course was a surprise. It wasn't a goal of mine but it sure was a great way to finish. To complete this course makes you feel like you are number one, the best that you can be.

When I try to describe how I feel all sorts of things run through my mind, Pinocchio losing his strings and finding out he is a real boy or Wendy flying in the story Peter Pan. You feel like magic when you complete this course. It is amazing. I can't find the fear of failure in me. That feeling no longer exists.

My energy is vibrating at a much higher level. I no longer have to consciously raise it before I do any any energy work, it is already where it needs to be. Other people seem to notice it also. I am being touched almost constantly. Sales clerks hand me change and let their hands rest in mine for a moment, hugs last longer. It is difficult to explain the changes but the reaction I get from others tells me it is real.

I want to teach this course. The biggest challenge will be describing what Project Sanctuary is and what to expect, especially to beginners. Trying to explain what this certification stands for is difficult without sounding airy fairy. The closest I have come is to tell them that they will be their own best friend, the negative voice inside will die a natural death, and if they work hard they will be unstoppable. Other courses promise a full tool box but this course teaches you not just how to use the tools but how to create the tools.

I know if they complete this course it will be the last one they will ever NEED to take.

Thank you very much for your time, and many congratulations to you.

  by Debora Ready
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