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The 60 Second Wealth Boosters by Silvia Hartmann

by Silvia Hartmann

The 60 Second Wealth Boosters by Silvia Hartmann

365 wealth exercises you can do in 60 seconds or less created by Silvia Hartmann with Project Sanctuary.

365 Wealth Creation Exercises For Teachers, Coaches & Trainers

60 Second Wealth Creators

- 365 Wealth Creating Exercises
- You Can Read In Under A Minute,
- Do In Under A Minute
- & Which Will Transform Your Wealth Consciousness
Created by Silvia Hartmann

For People Who Want REAL WEALTH

In Its Widest Possible Meaning

Energy, Thought, Mind, Emotion -

Engage them all with these unique Wealth Creating Exercises.

There are 365 DIFFERENT exercises, one for every day of the year, to change your mind, heal your energy system, engage your desires, reduce your stress and improve the clarity, logic and focus across the levels and the layers.

The 60 Second Wealth Boosters is a SUPERB Resource For:

Personal Development - with each exercise, you can FEEL your mental flexibility improve, your stress levels drop, and your focus, energy AND DESIRE for achievement return. Teachers - especially for teachers who work with underprivileged children and adults; many if not all of these exercises can be easily integrated and sometimes just spoken, quickly, immediately and with excellent results. Performance Coaches - Giving clients specific exercises to do to combat their weak points in achievement, success and true wealth creation adds a great deal of value to the coaching experience. Therapists, Psychologists and Healers - Here are an absolute treasure trove of patterns and techniques designed to change hearts and minds, to bring about relaxation and put a person back into control of their own incarnation. Workshop Leaders - Have at your fingertips a resource book like no other; as these exercises are so condensed and fast to do, you can add these as a bonus for group work at any time; and develop longer versions or more in-depth versions of each one when and if required. Parents & Grandparents - Would that there be more parents and grandparents who would take the time and trouble to play these "games" with even young children, to improve their confidence, engage their imagination, their critical faculties and give them sense that "Yes, it is POSSIBLE to achieve true wealth and happiness, to make a contribution to society, to the world, AND to live a GREAT life!"

INCREDIBLE Value, this is a manual that is a lifetime's resource and THE most fabulous thing to have on your bedside table to browse, flick through and let the Universe pick an exercise to de-stress and enjoy.


  by Silvia Hartmann
"Project Sanctuary is your own personal Stargate to all the Universe has to offer! I knew it was there, but Project Sanctuary helped me find it, find myself." Β Jeremy Cush

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