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Image Streaming - Creativity Technique Image Streaming by Win Wenger

by Silvia Hartmann

Image Streaming - Creativity Technique Image Streaming by Win Wenger

Image streaming in a nutshell - increase intelligence, visonary thinking, creativity and more with this excellent creativity technique by Win Wenger, explained by Silvia Hartmann

Creativity Technique - Excellent!

Image Streaming In A Nutshell

by Silvia Hartmann

As "Good Companions" to Project Sanctuary go, a finer friend than image streaming is hard to find. An extremely useful creativity technique I would like to introduce is a method of increasing conscious - unconscious communications quickly, to be better able to visualise, and to be able to generate representations quickly and at will. This technique is Image Streaming by Dr Win Wenger.


Image Streaming Introduction By Dr Win Wenger

Here is a message from the inventor of Image Streaming, Win Wenger, as to where to go to learn more about the image streaming this technique and how and when image streaming originated:

"I was playing with forms of image streaming without realizing it in 1973 and first identified it as such in about March of 1974, and have been learning about it ever since. My first publication of it was in a booklet called Voyages of Discovery, in 1975, later subsumed into the 1979 book Beyond O.K.--Psychegenic Tools Relating to Health of Body & Mind (both publications--Gaithersburg, MD: Psychegenics Press)."

Many thanks

Win Wenger, PhD

Founder, Project Renaissance,

A Short Version Of Basic Imagine Streaming

*Summary of the Image Streaming process from: The Einstein Factor:

"The procedure of Image Streaming is deceptively simple. You sit back in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, and describe aloud the flow of mental images through your mind."


Three factors are absolutely crucial. I call them the

Three Commandments of Image Streaming

1. You must describe the images *aloud*, either to another person or to a tape recorder. Describing them silently will defeat the purpose of the exercise.

2. You must use *all five senses* in your descriptions. If you see a snow-covered mountain, for example, don't just describe how it looks. Describe its taste, its texture, its smell, and the sound of the wind howling across the peak.

3. Phrase all your descriptions in the *present tense*.


Tips on Image Streaming for Beginners

Close your eyes and describe out loud anything you can *see*. To begin with, this may just be sparkly bits now and then, swirls, a colour going by, that kind of thing. If you have sincere trouble with getting the process going at all, use an after image from a bright light to start you off on this first step.

Keep describing out loud what you see, this aspect is vitally important to engage certain parts of your neurology. Do this for about five minutes at a time, then stop. Do not censor what you *see* to begin with, and do not try to control it. Do not be disappointed if at first all you get are vague impressions; the image streaming process improves immeasurably with very little practise.

Later on in the image streaming process, you can use it for problem solving and a great many other things besides; this is achieved in Art Solutions fashion by posing a question before the stream of mental images begins.

Practising image streaming on a regular basis increases intelligence, and opens up whole new channels of communication within your own neurology.

FEAR of what you have seen, or what you might see, is the greatest BLOCK to image streaming success. I highly recommend beginners in image streaming to have the free EFT protocol to hand to release fear, get over blockages, soothe frustrations and generally smooth out the beginner's bumps in the road to wonderful image streaming using this EXCELLENT creativity technique.


Silvia Hartmann


A Short Version Of Basic Imagine Streaming | Image Streaming Introduction By Dr Win Wenger | Tips on Image Streaming for Beginners | Three Commandments of Image Streaming

Image Streaming In A Nutshell Β© Hartmann/Wenger 2000/2006. All Rights Reserved.

  by Silvia Hartmann
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