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The HypnoDreams Tour Original

The HypnoDreams Tour Original

The original HypnoDreams tour from 2005.

 HypnoDreams Tour 2005

 HypnoDreams Team | Concept Of HypnoDreams | Communication Across The Totality | Heart Healing & EMO  | HypnoDreams Operating Instructions | True Quantum Energy Prescriptions | Energy Hypnosis & Healing | Healing Sleep


Meet Your HypnoDreams Team!


Silvia Hartmann

Silvia Hartmann is a highly qualified and experienced trainer and researcher of Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Energy Therapies and NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming, author, international lecturer and motivational speaker. 

She is the author of "Project Sanctuary", "Adventures In EFT", "EMO", "MindMillion" as well as being the trainings director of the Association For Meridian Energy Therapies The AMT.

After studying and re-searching NLP, Psychology, Behaviour, Energy Psychology & Meridian Energy Therapies approaches, Silvia Hartmann created EMOTM in 2002, a truly groundbreaking and entirely innovative approach to working with the human energy system for mental and physical health.

An exceptionally gifted story teller, accomplished poet and the author of the superb "In Serein" trilogy, in the HypnoDreams series Silvia has found a voice for her love of hypnosis, state and energy, creativity and superbly crafted language expression. 

The Magic Of HypnoDreams


Stories, expression, creativity and language is the natural home of Silvia Hartmann.

Having experienced herself the power of simple words, honestly spoken with intent, to bridge that gap between one person and another, to transmit information, evoke emotions and cause change to occur, Silvia has always had the deepest respect for language and communication.

As one of the most dedicated researchers and innovators today, Silvia Hartmann has used her innate talent and sensitivity to existence and energy and refined it over a period of nearly 30 years to a state of true mastery.

With Energy Hypnosis, Silvia Hartmann has been able to create a truly extraordinary fusion between her research and development in language on the one hand, including Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP, advanced metaphor therapy, General Semantics and the deep structure of human communication, and on the fascinating worlds of the human energy system, consciousness and spirituality.

Yet it is not the sheer depth of experience and knowledge in the sciences of human expression and understanding which makes for the real magic of HypnoDreams, but it the art and craft of the poet and author.

Silvia Hartmann is not just an outstanding hypnotist and public speaker; she is a true artist, a poet who creates vistas, visions and events with such elegance and lightness that trance becomes a totally different experience from every day hypnosis altogether.

Each and every single HypnoDream has a concept and a purpose; each and every word, each inflection, the flow of imagery and expression are most beautifully aligned, congruent and supportive of that purpose and this is what makes it so easy to move into the HypnoDreams experiences, to let go and play amidst the extraordinary realms of reality Silvia invites us to join her in.

At the heart of this reality lies the wonderment and awe of the one true Universe and Silvia Hartmann's abiding belief in the logic and love of the Creative Order.

Behind the words lie the worlds of energy - of information, of sensation, of experience and what it is like to be a human being, in this world and yet with the remembrance and ability within each one of us to touch the greater realities beyond, to use these extraordinary neurologies the Creative Order itself gave us all by right of birth, to DO SOMETHING with our gifts and our potential, and to rise up to OUR SELVES.

Silvia Hartmann's skills, spirit, words and evocations are so unusual because she has attempted the greatest feat of them all - namely, to be living right here and now, not to withdraw from the world and at the same time to stretch for more with absolute volition, with absolute desire.

Her real wisdom, her experience of the human condition and a compassion born out of having really lived a life and living it still, give her words that incalculable quality of TRUTH - when Silvia speaks of the Creative Order, we know that she means every word she says, and through her conviction, we can choose to experience our own worlds with different eyes, in a different way.


Allow Silvia Hartmann's profound words and healing visions help YOU tranceform YOUR life.


To find out more about Silvia's work, please visit:


Ananga Sivyer

Author of the highly acclaimed books "The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom" and "The Meridian Journey", Ananga Sivyer is a bold pioneer and leader in the rapidly expanding field of Meridian Therapies.

Not only is Ananga an Ayurvedic Energy Healing researcher of 25 years experience, first generation EMO trainer and Master Hypnotist, but also an accomplished musician and composer.

In her revolutionary work on the HypnoDreams trilogy, the discovery of HypnoSolutions and Sonic Solutions, Ananga calls upon both the most modern technology and innovation in mind and energy research, and further honours the ancient well established sound healing knowledges across many civilisations, from sacred ayurvedic energy healing seals and sound progressions, to utilising rare and valuable native traditional healing instruments in the creation of her unique soundscapes.

Introducing The Magical Soundscapes of Ananga Sivyer:

The Music Of HypnoDreams


Sound, vibration, energy and the effects on the human energy system have been Ananga's fascination for as long as she can remember.

In composing the original soundscapes, each one a highly original and absolutely unique work of art in its own right, Ananga has challenged herself to create a fusion of her art as a musician, and her science as an Ayurvedic energy master.

HypnoDreams is all about healing change and PERSONAL development - and this has to be highly personal, deeply personal and speak to human beings.

It has to be emotional, it has to be FELT as well as heard, and to this end Ananga uses an extraordinary range of traditional instruments, used in holy ceremonies of healing, dance and celebration across time and all the world.

Rising from the tapestry of living sound of the HypnoDreams, HypnoSolutions and Sonic Solutions soundscapes you will find:

African udu drums as well as mrdunga, doumbek, djembe, darabouka, dragon skin and Egyptian tabla drums;

Chinese Bamboo Flute, Trevor James Flute, Bahu Chinese Reed Flute, Chinese Tiger Bamboo Xiao, Japanese Shakuhachi, Irish Folk Flute, Transverse Bamboo Shakuhachi, Been Snake Charmer Flute, Storyteller Native American Flute, Bansuri Indian Bamboo Flute, Chinese Bamboo Dizi Membrane Flute, Rosewood Fife, handmade clay Peruvian Ocarina, Native American Traditional Cocus Wood Flute;

Live percussion which includes karatalas & talis hand cymbals, bean pod shahers, rainstick, thumb piano, african chimes, bell chimes;

And further still, a truly astonishing variety of further instruments including an electric Fender Stratocaster guitar, acoustic guitar, violin, Indian Harmonium to name but a few.

In her fantastic sonic evocations, Ananga doesn't just rely on traditional instruments in their ordinary form. With the advent of sonic enhancements and deep range synthesizers, as well as the ability to sample real living sound such as thunderstorms, waves upon the shore and the sound a small stone might make when it settles at the bottom of a still lake, Ananga has within her reach a truly unprecedented treasure trove of sound experiences, a palette that is wider and broader than was ever possible before in human history.

And yet, each sound existence and each movement, each melody and every strand of these multi-dimensional soundscapes is placed with the most delicate care.

This is NOT just music, but music for very specific purpose - namely to wake up the aspects of a human being that cannot be reached by words alone, to physically touch the energy system on many levels and offer nourishment, charge and sustenance where there was previously none.

Delightful, compassionate, challenging and enlivening, Ananga Sivyer's art and brilliant dedication to help bring change and healing to the World is her unique contribution; this is living art and intention at work, as her research, exploration and mastery of sound and energy continues to unfold.









Pia has been singing for New Age labels since 1986.

She began contemporary western voice training in 1988 and has also studied with Haridas Ganguli, prominent Indian classical vocalist.

From 1993 to 1997 Pia toured Europe, America and India with the Jagannatha Band. Performing live to large audiences she was readily appreciated for her ability to touch each and every person in the crowd with her incredible voice and delivery of traditional Indian devotional songs. 

In 1998 she released her debut  solo album Benediction Moon, recording under the name Pia, with New World Music. Benediction Moon has sold over 40,000 copies and was voted the best album of  the year by New World users .  

Following the release of Benediction Moon Pia received the award for best new act from Personal Vampire Magazine.

Her second album, Magical Eclipse,  was released in the summer of 1999 and has received frequent airplay from regional radio stations. 

Pia has worked with: Dream Academy, Hazel O’ Connor, Boy George, MC Kinky, The Young Offenders and The Suicidal Seagulls.  

Her third album, Pacifica, has already broken all sales records in the first month of its release.


Magical Music Albums by Pia:



The Original Concept Of HypnoDreams:

The Journey Is The Destination

by Silvia Hartmann

I love hypnosis and I also love hypnotic journeys; what I don’t particularly like however is being told what I should do or think or experience and it is true, I never liked the heavy handed “embedded commands” in most hypnosis nor “constructed” metaphors, so obviously designed to “teach me something”.

So, about three years ago, I began writing a different kind of hypnotic journey, which I called HypnoDreams because they were very dreamlike in quality, and the joy lay in the journey itself, rather than in any sneaky attacks on the unconscious mind to produce perceived benefits one might derive from being told repeatedly to “stop smoking” or “get fit” or to “get rich” or whatever.

The concept of the journey for its own sake set me free to write about other things; and in the first HypnoDreams album, The Wisdom Of The Water, I made complete use of this.

There are things you can do in dreams you cannot do in your ordinary life.

  • You can fly amongst the stars and experience a wondrous lightness of being.
  • You can sleep for a thousand years and get all the rest and relaxation you would ever need to really restore yourself.
  • You can spread yourself like light and touch the fabric of the universe itself.
  • You can become a drop of water, you can be a cloud and you can go into places where humans simply cannot go when they are awake – how wonderful is that?!


It is amazing, and simply in the act of experiencing this, and without any further heavy handed ado, there are benefits.

Many benefits, as it turned out in the years that followed.

More fun, more awareness of the beauty of the universe. More creativity. Softer thoughts. More ease of relaxation. New ideas and new experiences, the tantalising hints and the promise of whole new states of being.

The HypnoDreams were very nourishing, very gently healing neurological events – but more than that, they also soothed the body and of course, worked at a most subtle level of energy alignments.

It is very possible that HypnoDreams I itself opened my mind’s eyes enough so I could see the patterns of reality that then became the EMO TM system of energy healing – once we had EMO and understood its lessons, we also began to understand just what the HypnoDreams were and what they could do for you.


Re-Alignment With YOUR Heart & Soul

So, when we came to produce the second album, Heart Healing, there was much more conscious understanding of what was going on here involved. Further, and you can notice this in my voice and in Ananga’s music, we ourselves were far more confident in our abilities and aims and outcomes than we were when the project had been just “something amazing, even though we don’t understand it at all”.

I knew from the start what I wanted to say and do with “Heart Healing” – this is very much a concept album which has a strong purpose and a sequence of events.

It is designed to help those who would listen and who would have a desire towards wholeness in the true sense of the word, to contact their heart and their soul – not mystical words, not in a vaguely religious sense but the true parts of our energy system which really exist and which, when you learn to touch them and to understand them, give you what YOU have always needed and wanted in your life.

See, the fact is that if we don’t have access to these most powerful of all energy processing centers and systems which belong to each one of use simply by right of birth (!!), it really does feel as though you are incomplete somehow, as though there’s something wrong with you or that you are missing out on something important - and moreover, it is PERFECTLY CORRECT TO BE FEELING LIKE THAT! You’re not at all insane or suffer from “low self esteem” – there was really something wrong all along and you were right to think that there was!

When we feel too small, too insignificant, weak and powerless – well yeah!

That’s exactly what it feels like when you try to run your entire life here WITHOUT the full support of the two MAIN power centers of your totality! That is like trying to make a car move forward – but without using either engine or gear box, so all you get is a lot of very hard work with most dubious results, no matter how hard you try or how much you apply yourself.

When we feel lonely and homesick and we don’t know what that is all about – it’s about our very own hearts and souls!

When we get the sense that “we” can’t do it by “ourselves” and that we need help, the fact that we are afraid to be on our own – that’s all exactly right and completely correct!

When life just doesn’t make any sense at all, we don’t understand ourselves or anything any more, that’s because we don’t have access to the higher processing systems of the soul and thus, of course we can only fail to make sense of the vast complexities of life, the universe and everything!

When we look in the mirror and we are dissatisfied with what we see and think, but I should be MORE than that – once again, we are RIGHT!

You ARE more than that if only you knew, you are a being that has an immortal soul which shines like a star but we are not seeing THAT in the mirror but only a flat, imperfect physicality which can NEVER satisfy us as being truly all we are – of course!

When we look up to the stars and wait for an angel come down, or an external God or prophet to help us out of our confusion and misery, and absolutely nothing happens yet again – that’s because you are looking in all the wrong places for all the right things which are, furthermore, rightfully YOURS!

And when we go looking for another person to make it all alright, to end our loneliness, to give us strength and help us out, another to be our soul mate, what we are looking for is our very own soul.


Make NO mistake – the “soul” is a real energy system.


It is really and practically, a part of everyone’s energy body.

It is incredibly powerful, and most probably, entirely immortal.

And YOU have one just as well as all the rest of us!

You don’t have to earn it, you don’t have to beg for it. It can’t be taken away from you. It cannot be hurt nor destroyed, it is YOUR IMMORTALITY, your direct access line to the all the other souls past and present, and no-one ever would want to trade THAT for anything – even if it could be done in the first place, which it cannot.

With that at incredible power and the truly unbelievable resources of your very own soul at your back, you can face absolutely everything life could ever throw at you and including death with strength, power and even with good humour and JOY – this is my supposition, and the purpose of this album is to make the connections in our respective energy systems which connect us to our heart center and our soul come to life, bring them on line, and have the first beginning flows of information, strength and pure soul energy mesh lightly and gently with our existing constructs.

No healing crisis, only rising strength and renewal in all ways – for the body, for the mind, for the energy systems as a TOTALITY as all these components begin to work together once more, a little bit at first, and come in to harmony with each other, as they were always designed to be by the Creator itself who made us just the way we are.

All and every word, sound, track and even silence on this album goes to this alone – to help each listener come forward, and from within and because they WANT TO, make contact again with these power centers that belong to all human beings by rights, and which have been ignored in consciousness for far too long.





When’s the last time someone you really trusted looked you deep in the eye and said, quite conversationally,

“By the way ...

"Did you know, you have

an immortal soul?”


Communication Across The Totality

Inviting The Consciousness & The Construct Self


Our “constructs” – what we consciously think to know we are – have great problems with the concept of having a part of the totality which is immortal, in touch with all the souls of everyone who ever lived and is still to come (the Akashic records), that has the answers to all their questions and that if awakened and made fully a part of the totality, will bring with it a change in state of being that is, to the construct, simply inconceivable.

In spite of all the extraordinary gains, the constructs still struggle and try and keep this out. They may think they don’t deserve it, or they’re too damaged, or it is too late; they have completely slanted and misleading ideas about the “self” in relationship to the universe.

To have our construct selves allow these connections to be made, we need to speak with them, show them things, relieve them of many of their burdens, and gently lead them towards a place where they will nod and say, “Yes, I understand now, and I am willing to regain the flow, receive my dues, let go of my fears and my past.”

If this is not done correctly and more importantly, respectfully, our construct selves cannot follow; one of the many layers of healing events in “Heart Healing” is to explain how things work to the self construct and the conscious mind.

It is for this reason that although we absolutely enter states of trance and steadiness, I never let it get so deep that you would become “unconscious” – contrary to public opinion, it is that finely balanced state just between dream and full waking awareness which is the magical meeting place where your physicality, your conscious mind, your unconscious mind AND your energy system all get together and start to get to know each other once again.

Where your TOTALITY begins to re-emerge and it is this finely balanced meeting state where the most learning and the most change occurs in actuality, as all of you is present at last and begins to re-connect.


The Sanctuary State – Lucid Communication

The most unusual and outstanding feature of the evocations presented here lies in the level of trance you experience with the tracks on the HypnoDreams albums.

It is a uniquely tuned and very finely balanced trance state which creates a “Sanctuary Space” where all parts of our totalities can meet.

The trance states we are evoking are lightly balanced at the crossroads of our awareness thresholds between conscious awareness and the unconscious realms; and this is why we refrain from language or theta vibrations designed to “zone you through the floor”.

It is “Sanctuary State” which makes the experience of the HypnoDreams closer to “Lucid Dreaming” than to ordinary hypnotic states and it never, never leaves you in a place where you can not just simply stop or think your own thoughts, lose awareness of who you are, or contact with your emotions and physical sensations.

Yet at the same time and in the same place, you have the clarity and focus of trance states and the exclusion of the external world as you focus in and learn about YOUR SELF and what it is you need and want, you think and feel and how you respond the flow of the evocations.

This is done absolutely out of respect to the conscious mind AND your existing construct, which are in all truth a rightful part of YOUR totality and must be treated with exactly the same deference and homage we would pay to the physicality, the energy systems, and our own heart and soul. Of course, it is also essential to retain your conscious will and indeed, your consciousness because it is when you decide to move forward and into the flow, that is when congruency comes into being. Will must align with desire and all of our totality to truly achieve what can be achieved, it’s true.


The Language Of HypnoDreams

The language used in all the HypnoDreams is similarly finely balanced at the very edge of conscious understanding and unconscious understanding so that both your conscious mind AND your unconscious mind can understand what is going on at the same time – and this is what produces the powerful experiences of the “Lucid Dream” like states.

To achieve this is no mean feat in actuality!

What seems to be “poetic expression” is of course, metaphor communication – that is the language of the unconscious mind. Yet, there is retained a clear order of sequence of events for the conscious mind to understand also and so it too, can join the “totality party” as well as do what it does best – remember some things about what was said, think about it afterwards, and also retain conscious awareness and with that, choice about how deeply to engage with each and every step of each and every journey.

You will also notice that in spite of the poetic flow and rhythm, the words themselves are very simple words indeed, so simple that “a child could understand them”.

Of course, there is a very good reason for this also. There are many parts of us who need to spoken to directly and simply, straight up and honestly. If spoken to thus, they will hear and they will come forward, being invited just as well to be here and to join the journey.

Therefore, the language is specifically designed so that it can be understood by your entire mind and in so doing, gives both your conscious as well as your unconscious mind the opportunity to learn something about how they can communicate with each other and be heard by one another outside of, and after, listening to the evocations themselves.


Heart Healing & EMO

As these tracks are in effect, structurally designed to be “a totality party” where all parts of you meet and are similarly, present in a sanctuary space created by the energies of my words and Ananga’s wonderful soundscapes, of course your body is invited too!

The light Sanctuary trance state allows you to be aware of your physiological sensations – and that is of course of the very essence to discover the impact the evocations have on your energy body.

As your conscious mind is present also, it is able to respond and initiate the EMO processes of softening and flowing, breathing deeply into the disturbance and having the will to Even Flow which is so essential and so powerful at this meeting place of all the parts of ourselves.

You retain control of your body too so you can move your hands or move your body in direct response to the energies you feel through your body; here, once again, YOU assist and initiate quite consciously the healing Even Flow of these energies through your systems and your totality.

Of course, you can just simply lie back and enjoy the journeys; but it is true that these evocations become immensely more powerful if you use the EMO process at any point where you have an emotional, intellectual or physiological reaction to what is happening as a result of the energies evoked..

You will find that the same sounds or words will call up the same responses; to really get the full benefit of these evocations you need to FLOW with them, have them flow THROUGH YOU all the way, entirely easy and entirely delightful in all ways.

It is important to remember that the Even Flow process is structurally not complete until the energy runs freely and clearly, and in doing so energises you, uplifts you, makes you tingle with joy and power, with excitement and clear charge of renewal.

This is the outcome and end result of using these evocations in conjunction with EMO.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen overnight and with every one of the 8 tracks; take it easy and also, see in the “Operating Instructions” how to choose the right track at the right time, so you personally get to do things in such a way that it always feels good to you and is exactly right for you.

When you have achieved a state of flow with these evocations, then statements such as, “I am no angel” produce instead of a resonance sadness a thrill of delight as you respond with, “Yes, you’re right, I’m not an angel, I am so much MORE – I AM A HUMAN BEING!” – and it is right HERE that the true power of these evocations comes into being as your whole body tingles with energy and lightness, with power.

This is the purpose and YOUR aim for using these evocations – to have them flow and re-charge you, show you whole new states of YOUR being which are your proof and testimony that you have changed your mind, and your body, and your energy system indeed.

This is TRUE healing, TRUE learning and TRUE human growth at YOUR own pace.

Accept NO substitutes!



HypnoDreams Operating Instructions

On each of the HypnoDreams albums are a number of separate evocations.

Few indeed would be the intelligent, nosy humans who would not do them all at once in the first sitting – we have all done it, of course!

I need not tell you that this is really NOT the best way to work with and experience these hypnosis evocations.

Once you get to know them all, I would therefore strongly suggest that:

·        You only do one at a time, as and when necessary.

·        When you have completed one, by all means you can THEN choose another;

·        but in general, use these powerful evocations with VOLITION and because you WANT to do a specific experience at that particular time.

Because of the “lightly balanced” nature of the Sanctuary trance states, you can also listen to these whilst remaining quite aware – sitting in the garden, for example, or lying in the bath.

However, do NOT use these whilst doing anything that needs your entire attention, such as driving or the ubiquitous “operating of heavy machinery”, trying to cook or the like.

I would also strongly dissuade you from using these whilst walking anywhere near ravines or traffic; these hypnotic inductions induce a light trance but it is a trance, nonetheless, and the neurological and energetic events which take place in your mind and body as you listen will prevent you from reacting with full waking awareness in an emergency as your conscious mind is turned inward as a part of the “totality party” in the Sanctuary state. 

Please Use Stereo Headphones For Personal Use!

Ananga will note in the music section that these recordings are designed to be listened to with good quality stereo headphones.

Although they are beautiful to listen to out aloud on a sound system and for group work, this is indeed the only choice, the best and most personal effects will be had by listening with headphones. This is because then, all the fine and superb details of sound and vibration and the very many levels and layers of events which are fine energetic occurrences become apparent and allow your totality systems to react even on the most subtle levels.


Personal Preferences

When you first hear all the tracks, you will have an immediate response as to which one draws you most strongly to experience again and which ones you would rather leave for another day.


Please allow yourself to Flow With YOUR Preferences ENTIRELY.


Each person who works with these “energy remedies” finds their own order and sequence; responds entirely in their own way to the sounds and the words, in short – has their own unique personal experiences.

It is important that you should honour those.

The order and sequence on the CD is very much “suggested progression” only and because there had to be an order and sequence.

What seems to happen generally is that sometimes, you just feel a yearning or a wanting to listen to a particular track at a particular time; sometimes people do the same track over and over again for a long period and until they have achieved what they needed to achieve and they feel free to move on to another track.


New You, New Experiences

I personally had the experience of one day, having a near overwhelming urge to listen to “Wisdom of The Water”, the oldest and first track we ever made – whilst lying in the bath!

I know enough now to know that you don’t argue with such urges and I got up, searched for the CD and did “Wisdom” in the bath. To my amazement, I found that my responses were very different this time around – it had been perhaps 3 or 4 months since last I heard it.

Now, I should not have been amazed by this, because these tracks are so multi-level and multi-layered, it stands to reason that as I have changed, my responses changed in turn.

I learned something altogether new in this bath-listening from “Wisdom” that I had never understood before. It was personally very important as a step stone on my own journey, and the wildest thing is that I’m the one who wrote it in the first place!

I am telling you this because there is a lot of merit in re-visiting these journeys once in a while, if only it is to find out just how far you’ve come and just how much you have changed – and of course, to have a brand new experience with each one of the tracks, every time you do. 

It is extraordinary, but this is not like “doing a journey again”. 

In the contrary, it is a whole new journey each time you take it, and especially if some time has passed in the interim.


True Quantum Energy Prescriptions

If you are a professional energy healer, it may well be that you will come across a client who you just know would greatly benefit from hearing one of the tracks.

I am absolutely NOT going to say that “Ocean Wood” is for people with MS, or that “Heart Healing” is for people who have been sexually abused – oh how very unfair and clumsy that would be!

Instead, what I am going to suggest is that you trust your inner knowing which, like mine, understands a great deal  more about the true essence of these energy healing experiences than you and I could if we talked for a thousand years.

A client may say something, do something and you just know inside that they would be greatly helped by hearing “Celebration” each morning before they go to work; that following along with “The Colours” once a day for a week would unlock something important from deep inside them, or that they would be soothed in the strangest way by listening to “Precious”.

You can only know this of course because you have taken these journeys yourself and you understand them from the inside out.

It doesn’t happen all the time but when it does, please trust your intuition and prescribe these hypnotic evocation just exactly like you would prescribe a course of Bach Flower remedies, or a visit to the osteopath.

They are intended to be, and by their very nature are, a Healing Star, passed from the healer to the healee so they may go on to heal themselves from the inside out just as they are being given healing from the outside in.



Energy Hypnosis & Healing:

Healing with Energy Hypnosis From The Inside Out

Please note: We at HypnoDreams make no claim of cure or promise of healing. We do believe however absolutely that hypnosis can be EXTREMELY beneficial to the healing process on many, many different levels, and that the true healing power of hypnosis is yet to be discovered fully.

We offer the following Energy Hypnosis programs that have a strong healing context and content in full confidence that you will find these lovingly created multi-dimensional programs relieving, relaxing, and that they will help you heal.

  • All who have contributed in the creation of these programs have done so FROM THE HEART, and with their very best will, intention, and healing DESIRE for you and all who use these programs.

For more on our understanding of the processes of healing and hypnosis, please see the following article by Silvia Hartmann:

Hypnosis & Healing - Healing With Hypnosis

Now, these are our recommended hypnosis products with a deep and powerful intention for healing.

Heart Healing | Essence Of Healing | Self Healing With Nature |

Autogenic Healing | First Step To Healing | Healing Sleep

Heart Healing

Heart Healing

No matter what is wrong in our lives, or what might require healing, to HEAL THE HEART is probably one of the most useful and profound healing endeavours of them all.

The heart of energy is the very center of a person's energy system and the generator for all life energies, and including those energies needed for healing and repairing the physical self.

When the heart is healing and grows stronger, it has the power to create real miracles in our lives - and that is not a false promise, but nothing but the truth.

The Heart Healing journeys concentrate on healing the heart, the precious child within, and the connections inside us which allow us to experience the truth of our soul and body in harmony.

Highly acclaimed, this is an international best seller that has helped many and one program we HIGHLY recommend to all who need to heal a broken heart and find their center, and strength, within to start on a real healing journey.

Heart Healing | Receiving The Colours | Celebration | Ocean Wood (The Guardian) | Resonance Connection | Morning Light | Precious | The Child.

Heart Healing Preview & Offers

* The Heart Healing Prayer is available to all for FREE as an MP3 download.


The Essence Of Healing:

Life, And Love of Life

For Healers & Those Who Seek Healing

Life, And Love Of Life gently awakens our astral systems, our "healing power within", takes away our fears, lays to rest old hurts and disappointments and brings the true, unconditional compassion for all living things that is the source of true healing.

This is an immensely moving experience, and leaves you with a very different understanding of Life, And Love of Life - the true principles of healing.

* This is a wonderful program for healers and helpers who have exhausted themselves in giving, as well as for those who are exhausted by their own illness. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

The Essence Of Healing: Life & Love Of Life Preview & Offers

Beloved Golden - The First Step To Healing

For People Overwhelmed by Major Life Changes, Disturbing Times, Illness, Bereavement, Chaos - Beloved Golden, the "Tsunami Induction", was especially developed and created to be a source of moral support in times of real need.

Gentle, compassionate and deeply stabilising, Beloved Golden cannot change your life, but it can help you find the strength to keep on going when you need it most.

Beloved Golden is a powerful STABILIZER for people who are in a bad place - physically, mentally, emotionally or all three.

This beautiful and caring energy hypnosis program represents a first step to turn the tide on terror, overwhelm and chaos, to find a center and start re-building from the inside out.

Beloved Golden - Finding The Strength to Keep On Going Preview & Offers



Champagne Turquoise

Powerful Autogenic Healing From Within

We sell this beautiful hypnosis healing program as a "weightloss, health and fitness" program to the general public because that's what most people are looking for.

But Champagne Turquoise is much more than that.

Designed to HEAL THE ENERGY BODY from the inside out, to help a person find their way to their own powerful "rivers of health and healing" within; to alleviate disappointment with the body and to make a new, loving reconnection across the levels and the layers where nutritious, healing energies can begin to flow to those systems who need them the most, Champagne Turquoise is a healing hypnosis experience in the true sense of the concept.

Packed with WONDERFUL post hypnotic suggestions for health, reconciliation and love of your own body, this is deep autogenic program impacts the mind, the immune system, and the energy system in a powerful and positive way.  Highly recommended ******

"Swim strongly. Breathe deeply. Let the river heal you ..."

Autogenic Health & Healing: Champagne Turquoise Preview & Offers


Self Healing With Nature's Best Energies:

The Magic Garden

In this gorgeous energy hypnosis guided meditation, we co-create a truly magical garden with our energy mind - the source of wisdom, spiritual knowledge and all true healing. We walk in this magical garden, resonant with beautiful energies and we discover a special healing plant that is just right for us today; then we engage in a wonderful energy exchange that leaves us enriched indeed.

The Magic Garden is a special multi-level induction for all who hunger for perfect, beautiful natural energies, the unconditional vibrant love of life these bring to us humans. As a special bonus, this meditation is designed to create a resource you can also visit outside of the session itself - at any time you need to relax and draw deeply on nature's own power that also resides inside.

This is a bright, natural, nature-driven hypnosis program for healing that takes us beyond sadness, and activates the resources of our energetic immune system, stimulates new healing energies from within.

Self Healing With Nature Energies: The Magic Garden Preview & Offers

HypnoDreams Tour 2005

 HypnoDreams Team | Concept Of HypnoDreams | Communication Across The Totality | Heart Healing & EMO  | HypnoDreams Operating Instructions | True Quantum Energy Prescriptions | Energy Hypnosis & Healing | Healing Sleep


Meet Your HypnoDreams Team!


Silvia Hartmann with Shades ...Silvia Hartmann

Silvia Hartmann is a highly qualified and experienced trainer and researcher of Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Energy Therapies and NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming, author, international lecturer and motivational speaker. 

She is the author of "Project Sanctuary", "Adventures In EFT", "EMO", "MindMillion" as well as being the trainings director of the Association For Meridian Energy Therapies The AMT.

After studying and re-searching NLP, Psychology, Behaviour, Energy Psychology & Meridian Energy Therapies approaches, Silvia Hartmann created EMOTM in 2002, a truly groundbreaking and entirely innovative approach to working with the human energy system for mental and physical health.

An exceptionally gifted story teller, accomplished poet and the author of the superb "In Serein" trilogy, in the HypnoDreams series Silvia has found a voice for her love of hypnosis, state and energy, creativity and superbly crafted language expression. 

The Magic Of HypnoDreams

Silvia Hartmann - Author, Hypnosis NLP Energy Therapies Trainer, Poet and Creator of the HypnoDreams concept

Stories, expression, creativity and language is the natural home of Silvia Hartmann.

Having experienced herself the power of simple words, honestly spoken with intent, to bridge that gap between one person and another, to transmit information, evoke emotions and cause change to occur, Silvia has always had the deepest respect for language and communication.

As one of the most dedicated researchers and innovators today, Silvia Hartmann has used her innate talent and sensitivity to existence and energy and refined it over a period of nearly 30 years to a state of true mastery.

With Energy Hypnosis, Silvia Hartmann has been able to create a truly extraordinary fusion between her research and development in language on the one hand, including Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP, advanced metaphor therapy, General Semantics and the deep structure of human communication, and on the fascinating worlds of the human energy system, consciousness and spirituality.

Yet it is not the sheer depth of experience and knowledge in the sciences of human expression and understanding which makes for the real magic of HypnoDreams, but it the art and craft of the poet and author.

Silvia Hartmann is not just an outstanding hypnotist and public speaker; she is a true artist, a poet who creates vistas, visions and events with such elegance and lightness that trance becomes a totally different experience from every day hypnosis altogether.

Each and every single HypnoDream has a concept and a purpose; each and every word, each inflection, the flow of imagery and expression are most beautifully aligned, congruent and supportive of that purpose and this is what makes it so easy to move into the HypnoDreams experiences, to let go and play amidst the extraordinary realms of reality Silvia invites us to join her in.

At the heart of this reality lies the wonderment and awe of the one true Universe and Silvia Hartmann's abiding belief in the logic and love of the Creative Order.

Behind the words lie the worlds of energy - of information, of sensation, of experience and what it is like to be a human being, in this world and yet with the remembrance and ability within each one of us to touch the greater realities beyond, to use these extraordinary neurologies the Creative Order itself gave us all by right of birth, to DO SOMETHING with our gifts and our potential, and to rise up to OUR SELVES.

Silvia Hartmann's skills, spirit, words and evocations are so unusual because she has attempted the greatest feat of them all - namely, to be living right here and now, not to withdraw from the world and at the same time to stretch for more with absolute volition, with absolute desire.

Her real wisdom, her experience of the human condition and a compassion born out of having really lived a life and living it still, give her words that incalculable quality of TRUTH - when Silvia speaks of the Creative Order, we know that she means every word she says, and through her conviction, we can choose to experience our own worlds with different eyes, in a different way.

Freedom Stars - The Creative Order made visible. Be in awe.

Allow Silvia Hartmann's profound words and healing visions help YOU tranceform YOUR life.


To find out more about Silvia's work, please visit:

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Ananga Sivyer

Author of the highly acclaimed books "The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom" and "The Meridian Journey", Ananga Sivyer is a bold pioneer and leader in the rapidly expanding field of Meridian Therapies.

Not only is Ananga an Ayurvedic Energy Healing researcher of 25 years experience, first generation EMO trainer and Master Hypnotist, but also an accomplished musician and composer.

In her revolutionary work on the HypnoDreams trilogy, the discovery of HypnoSolutions and Sonic Solutions, Ananga calls upon both the most modern technology and innovation in mind and energy research, and further honours the ancient well established sound healing knowledges across many civilisations, from sacred ayurvedic energy healing seals and sound progressions, to utilising rare and valuable native traditional healing instruments in the creation of her unique soundscapes.

Introducing The Magical Soundscapes of Ananga Sivyer:

The Music Of HypnoDreams

Composer Ananga Sivyer, Bringing Sound Healing To The World

Sound, vibration, energy and the effects on the human energy system have been Ananga's fascination for as long as she can remember.

In composing the original soundscapes, each one a highly original and absolutely unique work of art in its own right, Ananga has challenged herself to create a fusion of her art as a musician, and her science as an Ayurvedic energy master.

Living instruments, live performances, living responses - just a small sample of Ananga Sivyer's tools of transformationHypnoDreams is all about healing change and PERSONAL development - and this has to be highly personal, deeply personal and speak to human beings.

It has to be emotional, it has to be FELT as well as heard, and to this end Ananga uses an extraordinary range of traditional instruments, used in holy ceremonies of healing, dance and celebration across time and all the world.

Rising from the tapestry of living sound of the HypnoDreams, HypnoSolutions and Sonic Solutions soundscapes you will find:

African udu drums as well as mrdunga, doumbek, djembe, darabouka, dragon skin and Egyptian tabla drums;

Chinese Bamboo Flute, Trevor James Flute, Bahu Chinese Reed Flute, Chinese Tiger Bamboo Xiao, Japanese Shakuhachi, Irish Folk Flute, Transverse Bamboo Shakuhachi, Been Snake Charmer Flute, Storyteller Native American Flute, Bansuri Indian Bamboo Flute, Chinese Bamboo Dizi Membrane Flute, Rosewood Fife, handmade clay Peruvian Ocarina, Native American Traditional Cocus Wood Flute;

Live percussion which includes karatalas & talis hand cymbals, bean pod shahers, rainstick, thumb piano, african chimes, bell chimes;

And further still, a truly astonishing variety of further instruments including an electric Fender Stratocaster guitar, acoustic guitar, violin, Indian Harmonium to name but a few.

In her fantastic sonic evocations, Ananga doesn't just rely on traditional instruments in their ordinary form. With the advent of sonic enhancements and deep range synthesizers, as well as the ability to sample real living sound such as thunderstorms, waves upon the shore and the sound a small stone might make when it settles at the bottom of a still lake, Ananga has within her reach a truly unprecedented treasure trove of sound experiences, a palette that is wider and broader than was ever possible before in human history.

And yet, each sound existence and each movement, each melody and every strand of these multi-dimensional soundscapes is placed with the most delicate care.

This is NOT just music, but music for very specific purpose - namely to wake up the aspects of a human being that cannot be reached by words alone, to physically touch the energy system on many levels and offer nourishment, charge and sustenance where there was previously none.

Delightful, compassionate, challenging and enlivening, Ananga Sivyer's art and brilliant dedication to help bring change and healing to the World is her unique contribution; this is living art and intention at work, as her research, exploration and mastery of sound and energy continues to unfold.

Real instruments, living sounds for living, evolving human beings and their energy systems by Ananga Sivyer





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Pia has been singing for New Age labels since 1986.

She began contemporary western voice training in 1988 and has also studied with Haridas Ganguli, prominent Indian classical vocalist.

From 1993 to 1997 Pia toured Europe, America and India with the Jagannatha Band. Performing live to large audiences she was readily appreciated for her ability to touch each and every person in the crowd with her incredible voice and delivery of traditional Indian devotional songs. 

In 1998 she released her debut  solo album Benediction Moon, recording under the name Pia, with New World Music. Benediction Moon has sold over 40,000 copies and was voted the best album of  the year by New World users .  

Following the release of Benediction Moon Pia received the award for best new act from Personal Vampire Magazine.

Her second album, Magical Eclipse,  was released in the summer of 1999 and has received frequent airplay from regional radio stations. 

Pia has worked with: Dream Academy, Hazel O’ Connor, Boy George, MC Kinky, The Young Offenders and The Suicidal Seagulls.  

Her third album, Pacifica, has already broken all sales records in the first month of its release.


Magical Music Albums by Pia:


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The Original Concept Of HypnoDreams:

The Journey Is The Destination

by Silvia Hartmann

A beautiful abalone coloured snail shell - a natural spiral and I just love it!I love hypnosis and I also love hypnotic journeys; what I don’t particularly like however is being told what I should do or think or experience and it is true, I never liked the heavy handed “embedded commands” in most hypnosis nor “constructed” metaphors, so obviously designed to “teach me something”.

So, about three years ago, I began writing a different kind of hypnotic journey, which I called HypnoDreams because they were very dreamlike in quality, and the joy lay in the journey itself, rather than in any sneaky attacks on the unconscious mind to produce perceived benefits one might derive from being told repeatedly to “stop smoking” or “get fit” or to “get rich” or whatever.

The concept of the journey for its own sake set me free to write about other things; and in the first HypnoDreams album, The Wisdom Of The Water, I made complete use of this.

There are things you can do in dreams you cannot do in your ordinary life.

·        You can fly amongst the stars and experience a wondrous lightness of being.

·        You can sleep for a thousand years and get all the rest and relaxation you would ever need to really restore yourself.

·        You can spread yourself like light and touch the fabric of the universe itself.

·        You can become a drop of water, you can be a cloud and you can go into places where humans simply cannot go when they are awake – how wonderful is that?!


It is amazing, and simply in the act of experiencing this, and without any further heavy handed ado, there are benefits.

Many benefits, as it turned out in the years that followed.

More fun, more awareness of the beauty of the universe. More creativity. Softer thoughts. More ease of relaxation. New ideas and new experiences, the tantalising hints and the promise of whole new states of being.

The HypnoDreams were very nourishing, very gently healing neurological events – but more than that, they also soothed the body and of course, worked at a most subtle level of energy alignments.

It is very possible that HypnoDreams I itself opened my mind’s eyes enough so I could see the patterns of reality that then became the EMO TM system of energy healing – once we had EMO and understood its lessons, we also began to understand just what the HypnoDreams were and what they could do for you.

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Re-Alignment With YOUR Heart & Soul

So, when we came to produce the second album, Heart Healing, there was much more conscious understanding of what was going on here involved. Further, and you can notice this in my voice and in Ananga’s music, we ourselves were far more confident in our abilities and aims and outcomes than we were when the project had been just “something amazing, even though we don’t understand it at all”.

I knew from the start what I wanted to say and do with “Heart Healing” – this is very much a concept album which has a strong purpose and a sequence of events.

It is designed to help those who would listen and who would have a desire towards wholeness in the true sense of the word, to contact their heart and their soul – not mystical words, not in a vaguely religious sense but the true parts of our energy system which really exist and which, when you learn to touch them and to understand them, give you what YOU have always needed and wanted in your life.

See, the fact is that if we don’t have access to these most powerful of all energy processing centers and systems which belong to each one of use simply by right of birth (!!), it really does feel as though you are incomplete somehow, as though there’s something wrong with you or that you are missing out on something important - and moreover, it is PERFECTLY CORRECT TO BE FEELING LIKE THAT! You’re not at all insane or suffer from “low self esteem” – there was really something wrong all along and you were right to think that there was!

When we feel too small, too insignificant, weak and powerless – well yeah!

That’s exactly what it feels like when you try to run your entire life here WITHOUT the full support of the two MAIN power centers of your totality! That is like trying to make a car move forward – but without using either engine or gear box, so all you get is a lot of very hard work with most dubious results, no matter how hard you try or how much you apply yourself.

When we feel lonely and homesick and we don’t know what that is all about – it’s about our very own hearts and souls!

When we get the sense that “we” can’t do it by “ourselves” and that we need help, the fact that we are afraid to be on our own – that’s all exactly right and completely correct!

When life just doesn’t make any sense at all, we don’t understand ourselves or anything any more, that’s because we don’t have access to the higher processing systems of the soul and thus, of course we can only fail to make sense of the vast complexities of life, the universe and everything!

When we look in the mirror and we are dissatisfied with what we see and think, but I should be MORE than that – once again, we are RIGHT!

You ARE more than that if only you knew, you are a being that has an immortal soul which shines like a star but we are not seeing THAT in the mirror but only a flat, imperfect physicality which can NEVER satisfy us as being truly all we are – of course!

When we look up to the stars and wait for an angel come down, or an external God or prophet to help us out of our confusion and misery, and absolutely nothing happens yet again – that’s because you are looking in all the wrong places for all the right things which are, furthermore, rightfully YOURS!

And when we go looking for another person to make it all alright, to end our loneliness, to give us strength and help us out, another to be our soul mate, what we are looking for is our very own soul.


Make NO mistake – the “soul” is a real energy system.


It is really and practically, a part of everyone’s energy body.

It is incredibly powerful, and most probably, entirely immortal.

And YOU have one just as well as all the rest of us!

You don’t have to earn it, you don’t have to beg for it. It can’t be taken away from you. It cannot be hurt nor destroyed, it is YOUR IMMORTALITY, your direct access line to the all the other souls past and present, and no-one ever would want to trade THAT for anything – even if it could be done in the first place, which it cannot.

With that at incredible power and the truly unbelievable resources of your very own soul at your back, you can face absolutely everything life could ever throw at you and including death with strength, power and even with good humour and JOY – this is my supposition, and the purpose of this album is to make the connections in our respective energy systems which connect us to our heart center and our soul come to life, bring them on line, and have the first beginning flows of information, strength and pure soul energy mesh lightly and gently with our existing constructs.

No healing crisis, only rising strength and renewal in all ways – for the body, for the mind, for the energy systems as a TOTALITY as all these components begin to work together once more, a little bit at first, and come in to harmony with each other, as they were always designed to be by the Creator itself who made us just the way we are.

All and every word, sound, track and even silence on this album goes to this alone – to help each listener come forward, and from within and because they WANT TO, make contact again with these power centers that belong to all human beings by rights, and which have been ignored in consciousness for far too long.


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When’s the last time someone you really trusted looked you deep in the eye and said, quite conversationally,

“By the way ...

"Did you know, you have

an immortal soul?”


Communication Across The Totality

Inviting The Consciousness & The Construct Self

Me & Me - Painting By Silvia Hartmann, 1997

Our “constructs” – what we consciously think to know we are – have great problems with the concept of having a part of the totality which is immortal, in touch with all the souls of everyone who ever lived and is still to come (the Akashic records), that has the answers to all their questions and that if awakened and made fully a part of the totality, will bring with it a change in state of being that is, to the construct, simply inconceivable.

In spite of all the extraordinary gains, the constructs still struggle and try and keep this out. They may think they don’t deserve it, or they’re too damaged, or it is too late; they have completely slanted and misleading ideas about the “self” in relationship to the universe.

To have our construct selves allow these connections to be made, we need to speak with them, show them things, relieve them of many of their burdens, and gently lead them towards a place where they will nod and say, “Yes, I understand now, and I am willing to regain the flow, receive my dues, let go of my fears and my past.”

If this is not done correctly and more importantly, respectfully, our construct selves cannot follow; one of the many layers of healing events in “Heart Healing” is to explain how things work to the self construct and the conscious mind.

It is for this reason that although we absolutely enter states of trance and steadiness, I never let it get so deep that you would become “unconscious” – contrary to public opinion, it is that finely balanced state just between dream and full waking awareness which is the magical meeting place where your physicality, your conscious mind, your unconscious mind AND your energy system all get together and start to get to know each other once again.

Where your TOTALITY begins to re-emerge and it is this finely balanced meeting state where the most learning and the most change occurs in actuality, as all of you is present at last and begins to re-connect.


The Sanctuary State – Lucid Communication

The most unusual and outstanding feature of the evocations presented here lies in the level of trance you experience with the tracks on the HypnoDreams albums.

It is a uniquely tuned and very finely balanced trance state which creates a “Sanctuary Space” where all parts of our totalities can meet.

The trance states we are evoking are lightly balanced at the crossroads of our awareness thresholds between conscious awareness and the unconscious realms; and this is why we refrain from language or theta vibrations designed to “zone you through the floor”.

It is “Sanctuary State” which makes the experience of the HypnoDreams closer to “Lucid Dreaming” than to ordinary hypnotic states and it never, never leaves you in a place where you can not just simply stop or think your own thoughts, lose awareness of who you are, or contact with your emotions and physical sensations.

Yet at the same time and in the same place, you have the clarity and focus of trance states and the exclusion of the external world as you focus in and learn about YOUR SELF and what it is you need and want, you think and feel and how you respond the flow of the evocations.

This is done absolutely out of respect to the conscious mind AND your existing construct, which are in all truth a rightful part of YOUR totality and must be treated with exactly the same deference and homage we would pay to the physicality, the energy systems, and our own heart and soul. Of course, it is also essential to retain your conscious will and indeed, your consciousness because it is when you decide to move forward and into the flow, that is when congruency comes into being. Will must align with desire and all of our totality to truly achieve what can be achieved, it’s true.


The Language Of HypnoDreams

The language used in all the HypnoDreams is similarly finely balanced at the very edge of conscious understanding and unconscious understanding so that both your conscious mind AND your unconscious mind can understand what is going on at the same time – and this is what produces the powerful experiences of the “Lucid Dream” like states.

To achieve this is no mean feat in actuality!

What seems to be “poetic expression” is of course, metaphor communication – that is the language of the unconscious mind. Yet, there is retained a clear order of sequence of events for the conscious mind to understand also and so it too, can join the “totality party” as well as do what it does best – remember some things about what was said, think about it afterwards, and also retain conscious awareness and with that, choice about how deeply to engage with each and every step of each and every journey.

You will also notice that in spite of the poetic flow and rhythm, the words themselves are very simple words indeed, so simple that “a child could understand them”.

Of course, there is a very good reason for this also. There are many parts of us who need to spoken to directly and simply, straight up and honestly. If spoken to thus, they will hear and they will come forward, being invited just as well to be here and to join the journey.

Therefore, the language is specifically designed so that it can be understood by your entire mind and in so doing, gives both your conscious as well as your unconscious mind the opportunity to learn something about how they can communicate with each other and be heard by one another outside of, and after, listening to the evocations themselves.


Heart Healing & EMO

Trinity by Silvia Hartmann, 2003As these tracks are in effect, structurally designed to be “a totality party” where all parts of you meet and are similarly, present in a sanctuary space created by the energies of my words and Ananga’s wonderful soundscapes, of course your body is invited too!

The light Sanctuary trance state allows you to be aware of your physiological sensations – and that is of course of the very essence to discover the impact the evocations have on your energy body.

As your conscious mind is present also, it is able to respond and initiate the EMO processes of softening and flowing, breathing deeply into the disturbance and having the will to Even Flow which is so essential and so powerful at this meeting place of all the parts of ourselves.

You retain control of your body too so you can move your hands or move your body in direct response to the energies you feel through your body; here, once again, YOU assist and initiate quite consciously the healing Even Flow of these energies through your systems and your totality.

Of course, you can just simply lie back and enjoy the journeys; but it is true that these evocations become immensely more powerful if you use the EMO process at any point where you have an emotional, intellectual or physiological reaction to what is happening as a result of the energies evoked..

You will find that the same sounds or words will call up the same responses; to really get the full benefit of these evocations you need to FLOW with them, have them flow THROUGH YOU all the way, entirely easy and entirely delightful in all ways.

It is important to remember that the Even Flow process is structurally not complete until the energy runs freely and clearly, and in doing so energises you, uplifts you, makes you tingle with joy and power, with excitement and clear charge of renewal.

This is the outcome and end result of using these evocations in conjunction with EMO.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen overnight and with every one of the 8 tracks; take it easy and also, see in the “Operating Instructions” how to choose the right track at the right time, so you personally get to do things in such a way that it always feels good to you and is exactly right for you.

When you have achieved a state of flow with these evocations, then statements such as, “I am no angel” produce instead of a resonance sadness a thrill of delight as you respond with, “Yes, you’re right, I’m not an angel, I am so much MORE – I AM A HUMAN BEING!” – and it is right HERE that the true power of these evocations comes into being as your whole body tingles with energy and lightness, with power.

This is the purpose and YOUR aim for using these evocations – to have them flow and re-charge you, show you whole new states of YOUR being which are your proof and testimony that you have changed your mind, and your body, and your energy system indeed.

This is TRUE healing, TRUE learning and TRUE human growth at YOUR own pace.

Accept NO substitutes!


HypnoDreams Operating Instructions

On each of the HypnoDreams albums are a number of separate evocations.

Few indeed would be the intelligent, nosy humans who would not do them all at once in the first sitting – we have all done it, of course!

I need not tell you that this is really NOT the best way to work with and experience these hypnosis evocations.

Once you get to know them all, I would therefore strongly suggest that:

·        You only do one at a time, as and when necessary.

·        When you have completed one, by all means you can THEN choose another;

·        but in general, use these powerful evocations with VOLITION and because you WANT to do a specific experience at that particular time.

Because of the “lightly balanced” nature of the Sanctuary trance states, you can also listen to these whilst remaining quite aware – sitting in the garden, for example, or lying in the bath.

However, do NOT use these whilst doing anything that needs your entire attention, such as driving or the ubiquitous “operating of heavy machinery”, trying to cook or the like.

I would also strongly dissuade you from using these whilst walking anywhere near ravines or traffic; these hypnotic inductions induce a light trance but it is a trance, nonetheless, and the neurological and energetic events which take place in your mind and body as you listen will prevent you from reacting with full waking awareness in an emergency as your conscious mind is turned inward as a part of the “totality party” in the Sanctuary state. 

Please Use Stereo Headphones For Personal Use!

Ananga will note in the music section that these recordings are designed to be listened to with good quality stereo headphones.

Although they are beautiful to listen to out aloud on a sound system and for group work, this is indeed the only choice, the best and most personal effects will be had by listening with headphones. This is because then, all the fine and superb details of sound and vibration and the very many levels and layers of events which are fine energetic occurrences become apparent and allow your totality systems to react even on the most subtle levels.


Personal Preferences

When you first hear all the tracks, you will have an immediate response as to which one draws you most strongly to experience again and which ones you would rather leave for another day.


Please allow yourself to Flow With YOUR Preferences ENTIRELY.


Each person who works with these “energy remedies” finds their own order and sequence; responds entirely in their own way to the sounds and the words, in short – has their own unique personal experiences.

It is important that you should honour those.

The order and sequence on the CD is very much “suggested progression” only and because there had to be an order and sequence.

What seems to happen generally is that sometimes, you just feel a yearning or a wanting to listen to a particular track at a particular time; sometimes people do the same track over and over again for a long period and until they have achieved what they needed to achieve and they feel free to move on to another track.


New You, New Experiences

I personally had the experience of one day, having a near overwhelming urge to listen to “Wisdom of The Water”, the oldest and first track we ever made – whilst lying in the bath!

I know enough now to know that you don’t argue with such urges and I got up, searched for the CD and did “Wisdom” in the bath. To my amazement, I found that my responses were very different this time around – it had been perhaps 3 or 4 months since last I heard it.

Now, I should not have been amazed by this, because these tracks are so multi-level and multi-layered, it stands to reason that as I have changed, my responses changed in turn.

I learned something altogether new in this bath-listening from “Wisdom” that I had never understood before. It was personally very important as a step stone on my own journey, and the wildest thing is that I’m the one who wrote it in the first place!

I am telling you this because there is a lot of merit in re-visiting these journeys once in a while, if only it is to find out just how far you’ve come and just how much you have changed – and of course, to have a brand new experience with each one of the tracks, every time you do. 

It is extraordinary, but this is not like “doing a journey again”. 

In the contrary, it is a whole new journey each time you take it, and especially if some time has passed in the interim.


True Quantum Energy Prescriptions

If you are a professional energy healer, it may well be that you will come across a client who you just know would greatly benefit from hearing one of the tracks.

I am absolutely NOT going to say that “Ocean Wood” is for people with MS, or that “Heart Healing” is for people who have been sexually abused – oh how very unfair and clumsy that would be!

Instead, what I am going to suggest is that you trust your inner knowing which, like mine, understands a great deal  more about the true essence of these energy healing experiences than you and I could if we talked for a thousand years.

Multi-coloured hypnosis cds imageA client may say something, do something and you just know inside that they would be greatly helped by hearing “Celebration” each morning before they go to work; that following along with “The Colours” once a day for a week would unlock something important from deep inside them, or that they would be soothed in the strangest way by listening to “Precious”.

You can only know this of course because you have taken these journeys yourself and you understand them from the inside out.

It doesn’t happen all the time but when it does, please trust your intuition and prescribe these hypnotic evocation just exactly like you would prescribe a course of Bach Flower remedies, or a visit to the osteopath.

They are intended to be, and by their very nature are, a Healing Star, passed from the healer to the healee so they may go on to heal themselves from the inside out just as they are being given healing from the outside in.


Healing with Hypnosis From The Inside Out

Energy Hypnosis & Healing:

Healing with Energy Hypnosis From The Inside Out

Please note: We at HypnoDreams make no claim of cure or promise of healing. We do believe however absolutely that hypnosis can be EXTREMELY beneficial to the healing process on many, many different levels, and that the true healing power of hypnosis is yet to be discovered fully.

We offer the following Energy Hypnosis programs that have a strong healing context and content in full confidence that you will find these lovingly created multi-dimensional programs relieving, relaxing, and that they will help you heal.

  • All who have contributed in the creation of these programs have done so FROM THE HEART, and with their very best will, intention, and healing DESIRE for you and all who use these programs.

For more on our understanding of the processes of healing and hypnosis, please see the following article by Silvia Hartmann:

Hypnosis & Healing - Healing With Hypnosis

Now, these are our recommended hypnosis products with a deep and powerful intention for healing.

Heart Healing | Essence Of Healing | Self Healing With Nature |

Autogenic Healing | First Step To Healing | Healing Sleep

Heart Healing - Hypnosis healing for the heartHeart Healing

Heart Healing

No matter what is wrong in our lives, or what might require healing, to HEAL THE HEART is probably one of the most useful and profound healing endeavours of them all.

The heart of energy is the very center of a person's energy system and the generator for all life energies, and including those energies needed for healing and repairing the physical self.

When the heart is healing and grows stronger, it has the power to create real miracles in our lives - and that is not a false promise, but nothing but the truth.

The Heart Healing journeys concentrate on healing the heart, the precious child within, and the connections inside us which allow us to experience the truth of our soul and body in harmony.

Highly acclaimed, this is an international best seller that has helped many and one program we HIGHLY recommend to all who need to heal a broken heart and find their center, and strength, within to start on a real healing journey.

Heart Healing | Receiving The Colours | Celebration | Ocean Wood (The Guardian) | Resonance Connection | Morning Light | Precious | The Child.

Heart Healing Preview & Offers

* The Heart Healing Prayer is available to all for FREE as an MP3 download.

the essence of healing:  Life and love of life - True Healing Hypnosis program

The Essence Of Healing:

Life, And Love of Life

For Healers & Those Who Seek Healing

Life, And Love Of Life gently awakens our astral systems, our "healing power within", takes away our fears, lays to rest old hurts and disappointments and brings the true, unconditional compassion for all living things that is the source of true healing.

This is an immensely moving experience, and leaves you with a very different understanding of Life, And Love of Life - the true principles of healing.

* This is a wonderful program for healers and helpers who have exhausted themselves in giving, as well as for those who are exhausted by their own illness. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

The Essence Of Healing: Life & Love Of Life Preview & Offers

Hypnosis Meditation CD MP3 Beloved Golden for Healing, Illness, Bereavement & Overwhelming EmotionsBeloved Golden - The First Step To Healing

For People Overwhelmed by Major Life Changes, Disturbing Times, Illness, Bereavement, Chaos - Beloved Golden, the "Tsunami Induction", was especially developed and created to be a source of moral support in times of real need.

Gentle, compassionate and deeply stabilising, Beloved Golden cannot change your life, but it can help you find the strength to keep on going when you need it most.

Beloved Golden is a powerful STABILIZER for people who are in a bad place - physically, mentally, emotionally or all three.

This beautiful and caring energy hypnosis program represents a first step to turn the tide on terror, overwhelm and chaos, to find a center and start re-building from the inside out.

Beloved Golden - Finding The Strength to Keep On Going Preview & Offers


Hypnosis Weight Loss with Lady Hypnotist Silvia Hartmann's Champagne Turquoise

Champagne Turquoise

Powerful Autogenic Healing From Within

We sell this beautiful hypnosis healing program as a "weightloss, health and fitness" program to the general public because that's what most people are looking for.

But Champagne Turquoise is much more than that.

Designed to HEAL THE ENERGY BODY from the inside out, to help a person find their way to their own powerful "rivers of health and healing" within; to alleviate disappointment with the body and to make a new, loving reconnection across the levels and the layers where nutritious, healing energies can begin to flow to those systems who need them the most, Champagne Turquoise is a healing hypnosis experience in the true sense of the concept.

Packed with WONDERFUL post hypnotic suggestions for health, reconciliation and love of your own body, this is deep autogenic program impacts the mind, the immune system, and the energy system in a powerful and positive way.  Highly recommended ******

"Swim strongly. Breathe deeply. Let the river heal you ..."

Autogenic Health & Healing: Champagne Turquoise Preview & Offers

The Magic Garden Healing Energy Meditation by Silvia Hartmann

Self Healing With Nature's Best Energies:

The Magic Garden

In this gorgeous energy hypnosis guided meditation, we co-create a truly magical garden with our energy mind - the source of wisdom, spiritual knowledge and all true healing. We walk in this magical garden, resonant with beautiful energies and we discover a special healing plant that is just right for us today; then we engage in a wonderful energy exchange that leaves us enriched indeed.

The Magic Garden is a special multi-level induction for all who hunger for perfect, beautiful natural energies, the unconditional vibrant love of life these bring to us humans. As a special bonus, this meditation is designed to create a resource you can also visit outside of the session itself - at any time you need to relax and draw deeply on nature's own power that also resides inside.

This is a bright, natural, nature-driven hypnosis program for healing that takes us beyond sadness, and activates the resources of our energetic immune system, stimulates new healing energies from within.

Self Healing With Nature Energies: The Magic Garden Preview & Offers

Hypnosis Sleep Instant Download

Healing Sleep - Essential For ALL Healing

NOTHING is more important for healing than being able to sleep - to really switch off and give the body a chance to rest, to repair itself, to use all possible resources for healing, and nothing but healing.

This completely unique healing sleep deep delta trance hypnosis program, created especially by Silvia Hartmann for use when the need is the greatest, when a person is in terror, or real pain, ill and distraught, or all of those things.

EXTREMELY powerful in concept, craft and delivery, with deep sonic  pulses that slow to match delta brain states and absolute authenticity and integrity in deliverance, there is nothing like this program on Earth.

Every household should have a copy of this program ready so when the need is there, exhaustion is there, and healing sleep is needed, this can be achieved by first entering into a deep hypnotic trance, that is deepened further, and further still, until deep delta sleep is reached. OUTSTANDING.

Healing Sleep: The Delta Trance Lullably Preview & Offers


"Healing is the greatest journey."


"I wish the world Project Sanctuary." Christine Sutherland

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