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When a Project Sanctuary experience is reported in real time as it happens, written or spoken, a form of language usage comes into being that is reminiscent of cross between a poem, a hypnotic induction, a magic spell, a prayer and a speech, which is called a metasong.

This happens naturally and automatically, and it produces language that has the power to influence the energy body.

HypnoDreams are a form of Modern Energy Hypnosis created by Silvia Hartmann.

Hypnodreams Vol 3: Freedom

Hypnodreams Vol 3: Freedom

Full text and production notes of Silvia Hartmann's "Freedom" from 2004 

The Wind Of Change | Freedom | Creativity  | Timelines | Our Dimensions  | Forward To The New

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The Ocean Creature

The Ocean Creature

The Ocean Creature - a shamanic poem and an extraordinary journey into the realms of spirit animals.

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The Dragon People Meditation

The Dragon People Meditation

Listen or dance to the Dragon People Meditation ...

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HypnoDreams Vol 2: Heart Healing

HypnoDreams Vol 2: Heart Healing

Production notes and full texts of Silvia Hartmann's "Heart Healing": Heart Healing | Receiving The Colours  | Celebration | Ocean Wood  | Resonance Connection  |  Morning Light | Precious  | The Child 

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HypnoDreams Script The Bubble Pattern - Emotional Release by Silvia Hartmann

HypnoDreams Script The Bubble Pattern - Emotional Release by Silvia Hartmann

HypnoDreams Script The Bubble Pattern - Emotional Release by Silvia Hartmann

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Zodiac Cage Anti-Astrology HypnoDream by Silvia Hartmann

The Zodiac Cage Meditation Anti Astrology Hypnosis Script Hypnosis Script by Silvia Hartmann

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HypnoDream Hypnosis Script - Ice River by Silvia Hartmann

HypnoDream Hypnosis Script - Ice River by Silvia Hartmann

Free HypnoDream Hypnosis Script - Ice River by Silvia Hartmann

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Hypnosis Script Parts Integration by Silvia Hartmann

Free NLP Hypnosis Script Parts Integration by Silvia Hartmann

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47-69 of 54  
"I honestly had no idea I could be this creative." Gen Woodruff

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